The 7 Chakras of the Physical Body

"There are seven main Chakras located near the seven main nerve ganglia of the spinal column and also near glands of the endocrine system, yet exist in the subtle body. Chakras are organizing centers for the reception, assimilation, and transmission of life energies." - "Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System" by Anodea Judith

To put it in a nutshell, Chakras take in outside energy (sometimes referred to as "Universal Energy, Life Force Energy or Source Energy") processes it, and transmits it via the meridians and nadis to vital organs, cells and tissues of the body. This life energy is what allows us to live, breathe and walk the planet. This is a constant, ongoing process until the physical body dies and the soul departs.

There are actually many more chakras than just the 7 chakras of the physical body. However, for this particular post I will keep my focus on the 7 main chakras as an introduction to your energy body. Remember, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. As such, you are made of energy first, and you use energy to animate the physical body throughout your human experience. So it makes sense for you to understand the basics of your energy body system!

While we are alive, we decide how to use the energy we are constantly receiving, which means we are ultimately in charge of the health and balance of our chakras. We send energy - or block the flow of energy - at one or more chakras when we make decisions and take action. Moreover, everything is energy: your words, your thoughts, your emotions, your actions - everything has a vibrational quality to it. In order to manage your energy for your highest good and for the health of your chakras, you want to first become aware of how you are using your energy on a daily basis. 

Do you have a lot of negative thoughts all day long - tell yourself how tired you are, how much you hate your job, how much the world is against you, and how you'll never get ahead? These are thoughts that lead to negative emotions of anger, frustration, jealousy, resentment, and more. The Law of Attraction will send you a match in terms of people, situations and circumstances to meet those negative thoughts and emotions. You then take action that works against you, and this becomes a negative cycle that will completely inhibit your manifesting.  

Therefore, in order to live an empowered and joyful life - one that is sure to attract abundance in many forms - we must become aware of how we think, feel and react to others and to the world so that we take ourselves in the direction of our highest potential. One powerful way to bring consciousness to your choices and negative patterns is to learn to access your own Akashic Record for insight, guidance and healing.  I teach you how in my online course, "Live a Soul-Powered Life!"

Here is an overview of the seven main chakras of the physical body, their purpose, and how to identify if a chakra is balanced or unbalanced:

Chakra Seven: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

Chakra Seven: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

  • Color: White or Violet
  • Location: Top of the head
  • Associated with: higher knowledge. This is the point where divine light enters our bodies, and is then filtered down through every other chakra and anchors us to the earth.
  • Physical Relation: The brain, central nervous system, thalmus and hypothalmus

Balanced 7th Chakra Properties: Feeling empowered and at choice; ability to set goals and see them through to fruition.

Imbalanced 7th Chakra Properties: Lacking in purpose, feeling victimized, refusal or inability to set goals for themselves.

Chakra Six: Ajna or Third Eye Chakra

  • Color: Indigo blue
  • Location: Center of forehead
  • Associated with: clairvoyance, intuition and imagination.
  • Physical Relation: Pineal gland, eyes, forehead

Balanced 6th Chakra Properties: Mental focus, clarity of life path, ability to intuit wants and desires that are supportive and loving, empowered beliefs and thoughts that are acted upon.

Imbalanced 6th Chakra Properties: Lack of focus, unable to see purpose or life path, puts others wants or needs before their own, limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns of lack, inability or refusal to follow intuition.

Chakra Five: Visuddha or Throat Chakra

Chakra Five: Visuddha or Throat Chakra

  • Color: Light Blue
  • Location: Throat
  • Associated with: communication (both inward and outward), self-expression
  • Physical Relation: Throat, thyroid, neck

Balanced 5th Chakra Properties: Ability to listen and not dismiss, tolerance, integrity, honesty. Communicates thoughts and feelings in a positive, productive way to self and others. 

Imbalanced 5th Chakra Properties: Inability to listen, feels unheard, may have a need to constantly talk things through. Communicates through blame, verbally abusive.

Chakra Four: Annahata or Heart Chakra

Chakra Four: Annahata or Heart Chakra

  • Color: Green or Pink
  • Location: Heart
  • Associated with: Love (both inward and outward), compassion, devotion
  • Physical Relation: Heart, lungs, chest, circulation; arms and hands

Balanced 4th Chakra Properties: Nurturing, loving, ability to care for others. Has a healthy love of self and can choose themselves over others in a balanced way. This chakra also connects the lower chakras to the higher chakras, connecting earth to spirit and spirit to earth. 

Imbalanced 4th Chakra Properties: Jaded, lonely, self-critical. Unable to form loving relationships that are based on mutual love and respect. Overly tolerant to the point of self-sacrifice.

Chakra Three: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakra Three: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Color: Yellow
  • Location: Stomach (below the rib cage to the navel)
  • Associated with: Personal power, will and self-esteem.
  • Physical Relation: Stomach, gallbladder, spleen, other digestive systems

Balanced 3rd Chakra Properties: Confident, healthy boundaries, assertiveness. Able to assert one's will in a healthy, balanced way. Motivated to create and move toward goals. 

Imbalanced 3rd Chakra Properties: Need to control, need for recognition, insecure. Lack of motivation, inability or refusal to assert one's will.

Chakra Two: Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

Chakra Two: Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

  • Color: Orange
  • Location: Lower Belly (below the navel)
  • Associated with: Mood, emotions, sex, creativity, abundance
  • Physical Relation: Reproductive system, kidneys, bladder

Balanced 2nd Chakra Properties: Creative, balanced emotions, healthy sexuality, boundaries and sexual relationships. Ability to thrive and manifest happiness and abundance in all forms: financial, relationships and good health.

Imbalanced 2nd Chakra Properties: Selfishness, co-dependent, lack of passion. Poor sexual boundaries, poor reproductive health, intimacy problems. Can also manifest as financial and health problems.

Chakra One: Muldhara or Root Chakra

Chakra One: Muldhara or Root Chakra

  • Color: Red
  • Location: Base of the spine
  • Associated with: Safety and security
  • Physical Relation: Genitalia, lower spine, legs and feet

Balanced 1st Chakra Properties: Energetic, stable, connected to nature and earth. Feeling of safety and security, feeling loved and part of a family unit. Trust in self, trust in others.

Imbalanced 1st Chakra Properties: Lack of vitality, disconnected, lack of trust, addictions or eating disorders. Problems relating to immediate family members.

    Categories: : Balance your chakras, Chakras, Disease, Emotional Healing, Energy Healing, Frequency, Law of attraction, Manifestng, Mental Wellbeing, Soul, Vibration